The Belly Button Test

The Belly Button Test

Gerald Reibmann is the author of “Centered” and in his book he reveals that the shape of your belly button says things about your personality and how long of a life you will live. If your belly button is…

  • Off-center — you’re fun-loving but moody. You’ll live into your early 70’s.
  • Round — you’re modest, even tempered, and quiet. Expect to live until your early 80’s.
  • An outty — you’re optimistic, outgoing, and enthusiastic. You will live until your early 70’s.
  • An innie — you’re gentle, cautious, and prone to worry. You’ll live into your mid 60’s.
  • Horizontal — you’re complex, emotional, and sensitive. You will live until your late 60’s.
  • Vertical — you’re self-confident, generous and stable. You will live until your mid 70’s.