The Best Times Each Day to Get Things Done
During a 24-hour day cycle our brains are attuned to do some things better than others, depending on the time of day. “The perfect moment for bonding with your spouse is right when you wake up,” Rockefeller University neuroscientist Ilia Karatsoreos told Prevention magazine. She explained that the levels of oxytocin, also known as the “love hormone,” soar when we wake up. And that is why 7-9am is the best time to have “relations.” The magazine has assembled a list of the best times to do certain activities based on your body clock and the natural rise and fall of various hormones, as well as specific ways to take advantage of this:
7-9am: Best time for passion
Make love, kiss or just cuddle.
Say “I love you.”
Write a deeply-felt personal note to a friend.
Call your mother.
9-11am: Best time for creativity
Block out calendar time for brainstorming new ideas.
Write a presentation or report.
Figure out solutions to big and small challenges.
11am-2pm: Best time for difficult tasks
Read and respond to e-mails.
Give a presentation to a client or boss.
Discuss a difficult personal problem with your spouse.
2-3pm: Best time to take a break
Meditate or pray.
Read for pleasure, be it a book, Web site, magazine or newspaper.
Go for a walk.
3-6pm: Best time for easy-going collaboration
Hold a low-key meeting at work.
6-8pm: Best time for personal tasks
Run errands.
Clean your house.
Enjoy quality time with your family.
Cook dinner.
8-10pm: Best time for relaxing
Watch a movie or TV show.
Knit, crochet or cross-stitch.
Read a book.
10pm onward: Best time for sleep — Go to bed!