The Top Superstitions Americans Believe

The Top Superstitions Americans Believe

Do you shudder when a black cat crosses your path? Will you walk all the way around a ladder and never go under it? While most Americans have wised up and don’t believe in any of the 12 most common superstitions, there are still as many as a third who do think at least some of them are true, according to a Harris Poll. The 12 most common superstitions and the percentage of Americans who believe they are true:

  1. See a penny, pick it up, all day long you’ll have good luck: 33%
  2. It’s bad luck for the bride and groom to see each other before the ceremony on their wedding day: 24%
  3. Seven is a lucky number: 23%
  4. Knocking on wood prevents bad luck: 21%
  5. It’s unlucky to walk under a ladder: 20%
  6. Opening an umbrella indoors is bad luck: 14%
  7. Friday the 13th is an unlucky day: 14%
  8. Breaking a mirror brings seven years of bad luck: 14%
  9. Throwing spilled salt over your left shoulder prevents bad luck: 13%
  10. A black cat crossing your path will bring bad luck: 13%
  11. The number 13 is unlucky: 12%
  12. Stepping on a crack is bad luck: 7%