The Friendliest and Most Unfriendly Cities in the World
The friendliest city in the whole wide world is San Miguel de Allende, Mexico. That’s the word from Conde Nast Traveler magazine, which surveyed its readers to find out the cities where the natives are friendly to visitors — or rude. Topping the list of rudest and least friendly cities is Newark, NJ. Just four hours northwest of Mexico City, San Miguel de Allende jumped into the list after not appearing in 2016, and replacing Charleston, SC, which dropped out of the top 15.
The top 15 friendliest cities in the world:
- San Miguel de Allende, Mexico
- Perth, Austalia
- Gothenburg, Sweden
- Evora, Portugal
- Chiang Rai, Thailand
- Auckland, New Zealand
- Siem Reap, Cambodia
- Oporto, Portugal
- Beirut, Lebanon
- Dublin, Ireland
- Malmo, Sweden
- Halifax, Canada
- Wellington, New Zealand
- Luang Prabang, Laos
- Hobart, Australia
The top 10 most unfriendly cities in the world:
- Newark, New Jersey
- Tijuana, Mexico
- Oakland, California
- Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
- Atlantic City, New Jersey
- Caracas, Venezuela
- Maputo, Mozambique
- Detroit, Michigan
- Lagos, Nigeria
- Doha, Qatar